
The alias Chaotian pepper is a general term for a group of peppers whose peppers grow upward (upward or obliquely upward). It is classified according to the fruit state, including 4 of the 5 varieties of pepper cultivars in plant taxonomy: tufted peppers, cone peppers (small fruit type), long peppers (short fingers), and cherry peppers.
Key words:
Dried chili

The alias Chaotian pepper is a general term for a group of peppers whose peppers grow upward (upward or obliquely upward). It is classified according to the fruit state, including 4 of the 5 varieties of pepper cultivars in plant taxonomy: tufted peppers, cone peppers (small fruit type), long peppers (short fingers), and cherry peppers. According to the elements contained in peppers: peppers can burn fat, peppers can help beauty, peppers can relieve pain, peppers can prevent cancer, and peppers can prevent arteriosclerosis.
Two Jingstrips Pepper
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